Friday, September 21, 2007

Ancient of Days

We are going through the book of Daniel in our small group (Beth Moore). Last night we learned about the Ancient of Days.

A court case may start out with one judge who was around when the crime happened. He experienced it on the tv and news. But by the time the person who committed the crime needs to be judged, it could be a different judge, one who didn't "experience" the crime.

However, God, the Ancient of Days has been on his throne from the beginning and will be on His throne through the end. He has seen every injustice done to us. He has been with us through every trial and hardship. When it comes time for judgment, He has a vested interest in us and He is the one who will give out the punishment.

It is very comforting to know that we have a God who loves us, cares for us and is with us through everything and He will always be there with us. Others may leave but He never will.

Journeying together,

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