Monday, November 19, 2007


Yesterday one of the girls who used to work at our cafe came to church with her sister and her sister's boyfriend. They had asked to come before but never came. When we asked, she never could. They told Taylor this week they were going to come and then called me on Saturday. They came. They seemed to like it. The sister said it was similar to a church they were visiting in Miami when they were there.


Friday, October 12, 2007


The truth is that if God wanted us to have more right now, we would have it. . . . If we were supposed to be in a different situation in life, we would be in it. Instead of always saying, "If only this" and "If only that," God calls us to glorify him to the fullest right now. . . . Contentment means wanting what God wants for us rather than what we want for us. The secret to enjoying this kind of contentment is to be so satisfied with God that we are able to accept whatever he has or has not provided." -Phil Ryken

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Great Day

I had the great privilege today of helping debrief two of our missionaries. Just to sit and listen to where they have been, the ups, downs, exciting and challenging is just awesome. There are some great caliber people out there serving God and it is a privilege to serve them.

Last week I helped with another couple. It is exciting to hear how they are being used. I now have three countries I want to go visit and I am sure there will be more as I am able to see and hear their stories.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Weekend Away

Tomorrow we are leaving for St. Augustine when Taylor gets home from school. We have been there many times visiting friends so we have already done the tourist thing. Now we can just relax and enjoy, go do something if we want to or sit on the beach or by the pool. I am looking forward to being away from home for a few days and just enjoying our time.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Ancient of Days

We are going through the book of Daniel in our small group (Beth Moore). Last night we learned about the Ancient of Days.

A court case may start out with one judge who was around when the crime happened. He experienced it on the tv and news. But by the time the person who committed the crime needs to be judged, it could be a different judge, one who didn't "experience" the crime.

However, God, the Ancient of Days has been on his throne from the beginning and will be on His throne through the end. He has seen every injustice done to us. He has been with us through every trial and hardship. When it comes time for judgment, He has a vested interest in us and He is the one who will give out the punishment.

It is very comforting to know that we have a God who loves us, cares for us and is with us through everything and He will always be there with us. Others may leave but He never will.

Journeying together,

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Praise Him

I have so many thoughts spinning in my head I don't know what to write. There are two more days left for us to be running Cuppy's. Sunday we go over everything with Sirran and Monday she starts running Cuppy's in hopes to get it going well (using all the marketing tools she has available) and try to sell it for us.

Bill is looking for another job. We are waiting on test results. We are trying to be the message to those watching. Many emotions are running through us. Watching a dream die is not easy.

There are other things that are happening and it just seems the waves keep rolling at us. I am so glad that God is in control and he is my refuge. I don't see how people who do not know Him survive their struggles.

I am so glad that we can praise God even in the hard times. And when we praise Him, our spirits are lifted.

So praise Him with me because He wins in the end and we know that one day we will be with Him and all of this will not matter.

Journeying together,

Monday, September 3, 2007

What kind of message

Yesterday at church we learned about waves. How they keep coming and sometimes we are able to handle them and sometimes they wash over us. How Jesus asks us to obey one more time. Right now we are being pounded by the waves. What stuck with me the most was I am a message to others who are watching. So what kind of message am I as I deal with the waves that come at me day after day? What are others seeing in me as they watch? Are they seeing Jesus? Is He shining through me? I need to be in the Word and praying daily and asking Him to guide my each thought, action, word.

I pray that God will help me shine for Him through the dark days and through the good days.

Journeying together,

Sunday, August 26, 2007

He never lets go

It's hard to believe it has been a year since we launched C3. So much has happened in that year. Both in the church and in our lives.

This morning we sang the song "He never lets go". It was a great reminder to Bill and I that no matter what we walk through, He will never let go of us. He is always with us. And we can still praise Him no matter what is happening because He loves us. And in the end, we will spend eternity with Him. We sang that song with tears in our eyes but from our hearts.

Journeying together,

Monday, August 20, 2007


Do you ever feel like what you have to do is impossible. You can't possibly do everything that needs done in the timeframe it needs done in.

I know that is how Bill is feeling right now. So many marketing things to do for Cuppy's and not enough man power, energy or time.

I guess this is where we ask God to keep us in perspective, help us prioritize and give us energy to do the things we need to do and other resources to help us when we can't.

We need to trust that God gave the dream and what He wants to happen He will provide.

Journeying together,


Saturday, August 18, 2007


It's Saturday. I am at the cafe. No one is here.

Well, that was written earlier. It was boring. I was only there a little while today. One hour of it by myself.

We were able to get Taylor's scheduled fixed at school. He has French instead of Spanish but he has all the other classes he needed.

We actually sat down to dinner tonight. We were all here and no one was at the cafe. Then we played a game and watched HSM2. It was a relaxing evening. Something that will probably not happen again for awhile.

Looking forward to worship tomorrow morning at C3.

Journeying together,


Friday, August 17, 2007

Busy week

It's Friday and the week is almost over. It has been a very busy and full week. Taylor had band camp every day from 1:30 until 8:30. Tonight they performed the first 1/3 of the show for us. It's great to watch them improve and add to the show throughout the season.

My sister and I were able to go to a school and hand out Cuppy's coffee and coupons. Everyone who goes to that elementary school lives in the neighborhood so it was great PR.

This week we found out Taylor's tests all were negative and he is fine. Cuppy's corporate is going to help us do a bunch of marketing this next month or so to get the coffee shop up and running great. Lord willing.

Bill has a lump and he goes for a some more tests next week.

A guy the other night at Cuppy's asked us how business was and then asked if he could pray for us and proceeded to do so right then. It was cool.

I am sure there were other things that happened but those are the ones that are most on the mind.

I am looking forward to worshipping at church on Sunday morning.

Journeying together,


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The battle is not mine

It seems I think of a lot of things I'd like to say on my blog throughout the day but when I finally get to sit down my mind goes blank.

I did read a verse this morning that was an encouragement to me. 2 Chronicles 20:15 "...Do not be afraid! Don't be discouraged by this might army, for the battle is not yours, but God's." and then verse 20 "..."Listen to me, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem! Believe in the Lord your God and you will be able to stand firm."

Right now the world and its circumstances seem like a big army. But the battle is not mine. God will help me through it. He will help me stand firm.

Many things happened today. Several were encouraging; some discouraging. Even in the discouraging ones I felt strength. I know that comes from God and what moves his hand is prayers of many. I certainly could not do it on my own.

It definitely is a very stretching time but one that is drawing me closer to Jesus and ultimately that is what He wants.

Journeying together,


Sunday, August 12, 2007

First Time

Well, this is my first time blogging. I really don't know what I am doing. I set it up but we will see how it turns out. I thought of lots of things to blog about, but not while I was at my computer. Now my mind is blank. Maybe now that I have it up and running I can jump on and post something when it comes to mind.