Thursday, September 6, 2007

Praise Him

I have so many thoughts spinning in my head I don't know what to write. There are two more days left for us to be running Cuppy's. Sunday we go over everything with Sirran and Monday she starts running Cuppy's in hopes to get it going well (using all the marketing tools she has available) and try to sell it for us.

Bill is looking for another job. We are waiting on test results. We are trying to be the message to those watching. Many emotions are running through us. Watching a dream die is not easy.

There are other things that are happening and it just seems the waves keep rolling at us. I am so glad that God is in control and he is my refuge. I don't see how people who do not know Him survive their struggles.

I am so glad that we can praise God even in the hard times. And when we praise Him, our spirits are lifted.

So praise Him with me because He wins in the end and we know that one day we will be with Him and all of this will not matter.

Journeying together,


Anonymous said...

You all are in our prayers.

Patio Talk said...

Thank you. We appreciate it. Especially as we go through the next few days and weeks.

Amanda said...

You and Bill are in our prayers. You have been an encouragement to Barry and I as we've seen you trust God with your future. We love you!

Patio Talk said...

Thanks Amanda. We really appreciate your prayers. You both have been an encouragement to us as we go through this.